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Services & Programs

Custom Services:

Do you need a strategic presence in the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area to successfully launch your global educational initiative? Do you need to add a unique educational component that can enhance and expand your current line of business?


Silicon Valley Institute (SV Institute) offers the following two main services:


  • Curriculum design and execution

  • Global presence in Silicon Valley / San Francisco on behalf of client organizations


Having your organization's presence in the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area creates an important value and competitiveness by leveraging its unique geographical advantage as the global epicenter of entrepreneurship and innovation. Click the fact sheet on the right to learn other reasons why your organization should consider a strategic presence here.


Your organization can also enhance or expand the current line of business without adding unnecessary overhead and its organizational resources as well as saving time by simply outsourcing our professional educational services.

Custom Programs:

Are you looking for a strategic educational partner in the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area that can support your global initiative in designing, organizing and delivering quality educational programs with unique perspectives in entrepreneurship and innovation for your students and participants?


SV Institute provides various educational programs such as:


  • Custom Academic Programs (i.e., Global Academic Immersion, Global Study Tour, etc.)

  • Custom Corporate Training Programs

  • Custom Specialized Programs


The above programs are designed and developed with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation by integrating the following unique strengths of the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area:


  • Information Technology

  • Venture Capital and Angel Investing

  • Renewable Energy and Clean Technology

  • Biotechnology and Healthcare IT

  • Tourism and Hospitality

  • Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Ventures

  • Wine Business


SV Institute also provides an assessment of learning at the end of each program for client organizations to effectively analyze and assure planned student learning.



How the Programs are Developed and Delivered:

Each program is customized based on the specific needs and duration of each organization with a variety of academic and experiential learning activities which include:


  • Lectures / Seminars

  • Hands-on Workshops

  • Coaching / Mentoring

  • Presentations

  • Panel Discussions

  • Roundtable Discussions

  • Company Visits

  • Academic Walking Tour

  • Local Events and Expos

  • Networking Events


Program sessions can be conducted in a number of locations including San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and Berkeley which will help effectively expose students and participants to the unique entrepreneurial ecosystem (Some sessions within each program may be conducted at local college / university campus locations.


*Depending on program duration and a client organization’s needs, the combination of these activities may vary.



Sample Program Content and Structure:

Each program includes a variety of both academic and experiential learning content that is uniquely developed by our internationally recognized faculty. Students and participants will learn what makes the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area so successful and the best practices that are utilized by organizations in the region, as well as how to start and execute a new venture or corporate initiative, how to effectively innovate products, services, and processes to be more sustainable. Here are some general program topics:


  • Business Planning

  • Business Analytics

  • Venture Creation and Financing

  • Entrepreneurial Leadership and Organization

  • Thought Leadership

  • Creativity and Innovation (e.g., Design Thinking, Open Innovation, etc.)

  • Go-to-Market Strategy

  • Human Capital Strategy and Management

  • Effective Team and Culture Development

  • Effective Communication and Presentation


Each custom program that SV Institute designs, organizes and delivers meets the specific needs and requirements of its client organizations. Depending on program content, program duration, and program amenities, program fees can vary. Please contact us for a custom program proposal. Here is a 1-week program sample structure on the right:


How Participants Can Benefit from the Programs:

Each custom program is designed to help our client organization’s participants be inspired and motivated by gaining valuable knowledge, insights and skills from industry experts and leaders and expert scholars through its unique learning experiences. Some of the important results that students and participants can expects are:


  • Cultivate global leadership

  • Create a global vision and impact

  • Develop an expert knowledge base

  • Expand skill sets

  • Enhance creativity

  • Integrate innovation

  • Build and connect with a global network

  • Identify global resources



Program Client Organizations:

Silicon Valley Institute (SV Institute) offers its educational services for the following organizations that provide various types of educational programs for their audience including college students, business professionals and executives, entrepreneurs, investors, college preparatory students, and government officials:


  • Colleges and Universities

  • Corporate Organizations

  • Not for Profit Organizations

  • Incubators / Accelerators

  • College Preparatory Organizations

  • Event / Conference Organizations

  • Government Agencies

​​​​Contact us today for more information!

For more information or to request a program proposal on various custom programs or to inquire about how we can represent your organization in the Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area, please contact us with your inquiry today.

Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you within 48 hours.

© 2024 by Silicon Valley Institute

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